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One river, ten countries, countless flavours


"One River, Ten Countries, Countless Flvours" by author Prof. Ivan Gaspic is not just a cookbook, but a tale about the Danube River and a tool of  experience that allows us to connect with the authentic history of this region. It allows us to look back and learn more about the rich cultural and natural heritage of the Danube region.

Created within the framework of the Transdanube Travel Stories project, the book collects 12 amazing recipes that tell the story of the Danube identity, shaped and inspired by the river. There is 1 recipe from each of the 10 Danube countries (from Germany to Romania) and 2 ancient Roman recipes.

In addition to culinary delights, the book also contains information about the DANUBEPARKS network and its 18 protected areas.

See the release here.

Project “MEMOFISH - memory and future. Stories about the Danube Civilization” is cofinanced by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-BulgariaProgramme.
Amount of EU contribution:  423 921, 71 Euro





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