Project products







The heritage of fisheries communities in the Romania-Bulgaria cross-border area is a multifaceted topic, because it combines ancient knowledge of nature and contemporary skills. It applies both to the mysteries of a disappearing craft and to the techniques of preserving the river world.

The heritage of fishing groups is little known outside their settlements, even to researchers. Therefore, it is not understood by modern people who cannot take advantage of it to protect the nature, provide new jobs and new income through alternative tourist forms.

The partners in the „Memofish“ project have solutions to some of these problems, which are outlined in the developed strategies of the fishing communities in five pairs of settlements with preserved fishing traditions. They are examples of how forgotten heritage can once again become valuable to modern people and find its place in the new development approaches.

The cross-border strategies are for the following pairs of settlements:

Silistra (Tataritsa) – Calarasi: Download the file (in Bulgarian)Download the file (in Romanian)

Vetren (Srebarna) - Mostistea-Galatui: Download the file (in Bulgarian)Download the file (in Romanian)

Tutrakan – Oltenita: Download the file (in Bulgarian)Download the file (in Romanian)

Ruse (Brashlen) – Giurgiu: Download the file (in Bulgarian)Download the file (in Romanian)

Vidin (Kutovo, Antimovo) – Calafat: Download the file (in Bulgarian)Download the file (in Romanian)



One of the goals of project „Memofish“ is to identify up-to-date policies and practices for preserving the cultural heritage of the fisheries communities on an international, regional and local level, to highlight the place and opportunities of formal and non-formal education in this process, to present the available forms and means for the preservation of cultural heritage, thus emphasizing the need for long-lasting links between institutions at different levels involved in the process of preserving the cultural heritage. 

All of these topics are integrated into the document „Common policy for the preservation, development and utilization of the heritage of fisheries communities“, which defines the vision, strategic goals and priorities for the protection of the heritage, as well as its presentation, sharing and sustainable use as a cultural and tourist product. The general policy guidelines have been developed in detail in the strategic plans of five pairs of settlements, created under the project - you can find them here.

Download the file (in Bulgarian)

Download the file (in Romanian)



In order to ensure sustainability of the project results, the partners in project „Memofish“ publish Management plan for joint commercialization of tourism products.

It was created in support of cross-border organizations working in the field of regional development and tourism. The document is a practical marketing guide for the commercialization of project tourism products that have the potential to generate benefits for communities in the Danube regions.



The document „Culture matters! – cross-border cooperation for the management of cultural heritage“ is a study and presentation of examples of the impact - in cultural, social, economic and environmental terms - of global changes in the cultural and historical heritage of the Danube River.

The document summarizes the European Union's cultural and historical heritage policy, strategic regional planning and the measures taken by the Union to support the cultural and creative industries, focusing on the European Commission's role in this process.

The other major theme in the document is the impact of global changes n the cultural and historical heritage of the Danube River, for which interesting examples are given on how the urban environment along the river is preserved, how cultural routes contribute to local prosperity, how traditional fishing can combine traditions and modernity.

Project “MEMOFISH - memory and future. Stories about the Danube Civilization” is cofinanced by the European Union through European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-BulgariaProgramme.
Amount of EU contribution:  423 921, 71 Euro





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